
Biogas plants – why they are becoming popular

Biogas plants – why they are becoming popular?

Solutions to achieve clean energy are growing in Poland like mushrooms after rain. Among them, in addition to photovoltaic and wind farms, biogas plants are emerging. What is the reason that their popularity is growing every year? Profits, of course.

It is estimated that with generators of the same capacity, a biogas plant produces four times more energy per year than a wind farm. However, the list of advantages of biogas plants does not end there. We asked experts to bring us closer to the topic.

Check out what secrets they told us.

Biogas plant – is it worth betting on it?

Biogas plants are growing in strength. And no wonder. Electricity prices are skyrocketing, affecting not only individual electricity consumers, but large enterprises.

It is the latter that very often bet on biogas plants. Why? Because in this way they are able to almost completely cover the demand for electricity.

Of course, the solution requires financial investment at the beginning. It is necessary, at least, to purchase appropriate equipment, build biomass silos and properly executed energy for biogas plants. In most cases, however, the investment pays for itself in no more than 3 years.

As a result, the company can generate electricity on its own, which in terms of conversion covers costs that are a fraction of the price of electricity obtained from the network. However, this is not the end of the story. Since biogas plants produce green energy, there is the possibility of obtaining subsidies when building them.

This makes it possible to reduce the overall cost of providing electricity.

More than green energy. What other benefits does a biogas plant provide?

Electricity obtained from biogas plants is a solution that does not burden the environment. First, there is no need to use fossil fuels. Secondly, there are no emissions of harmful gases. Third, biogas plants allow great management of organic waste, reducing the need for disposal.

In this way, biogas can be an inexhaustible source of energy. For methane fermentation, waste is most often used, and only when it is in short supply do they reach for targeted crops. Therefore, biogas plants are most often built in the vicinity of landfills, sewage treatment plants, poultry farms, piggery, meat processing plants or farms. As a result of fermentation, in addition to methane, there is also produced the so-called “methane gas”. The digestate, which is a byproduct of the entire process.

It is used as a safe, natural fertilizer for agricultural fields. In short, the biogas plant brings a number of benefits for both entrepreneurs and the environment.